Why is sitting bad for you?
Did you know that sitting is the new smoking? Most people sit for eight or more hours a day, and the effects of sitting for so long are bad for our overall health. Prolonged sitting can lead to many health issues, including back pain and cardiovascular problems. Lack of daily movement can also make you feel sluggish and unfocused.
While you may need to stay stationary for work, it is important to find ways to help you move throughout the day to help combat the negative effects of sitting.
The Benefits Of Daily Movement
Keeping your body active throughout the day helps improve blood circulation, releases muscle tension, and increases focus at work. Even low-impact exercises like walking can provide significant health benefits, including:
Improved cardiovascular health
Stronger muscles and bones
Increased focus, mood, and memory
Boosted immune system function
Prevention & management of common health problems, including inflammatory and musculoskeletal conditions
While your job may require you to be at a desk all day, there are a few things you can do to keep your body active while staying productive at work.
Building Active Habits
1) Focus On Your Posture
Your seated posture can make a huge difference in how you feel while sitting. Slouching can put tremendous strain on your neck, shoulder, and back muscles, which can lead to fatigue, tension headaches, and back pain.
One of the most common conditions caused by poor posture is Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS). Signs of UCS often include pain in the upper back, neck, and shoulders. It can also cause headaches, restricted upper body mobility, and chest pain.
Posture Tip: Alternating between sitting and standing throughout the day may help you avoid posture problems that often contribute to back pain and UCS. The standing desk is one of several popular office tools used to alternate between standing and sitting while working.
2) Go For A Walk
There are plenty of opportunities to walk around during the day. You could start your day off with a quick walk to get a boost of energy or take a walk near the end of the day to help you unwind and relax.
If you typically sit at a desk for work, take frequent walks to help increase circulation to your muscles and stretch your legs.
Walking Tip: You can keep track of your walks and how many steps you’re taking with a step-tracking app or watch. Set a step goal to help get you moving more and motivate you throughout the day.
3) Take A Stretch Break
Stretching can help relieve tension, improve posture, and reduce fatigue. To make stretching a daily habit, start by taking three stretch breaks during the day: one in the morning, one at noon, and one in the evening. Set a timer or write it on a sticky note to remind you throughout your work day.
How DynamicDocs Can Help Keep You Moving
Our bodies crave motion because that is what they were built to do. Try the above tips, and if you’re still feeling restricted by pain, reach out to DynamicDocs today.
Dr. Victoria is dedicated to finding and fixing pain at the source for lasting relief. We also work with you to find tools and resources to help you continue to live pain free and prevent your pain from coming back.