What is Text Neck?

Our society is driven by technology today which means now more than ever we are constantly looking down, whether it’s to check text messages, social media, or emails. This creates stress into the tissue over time and strains the muscles in your neck, back, and shoulders.

This strain, known as “text neck,” can limit your mobility and cause neck pain and muscular imbalances. Continue reading to learn more about text neck symptoms and learn what Dr. Victoria recommends helping prevent text neck from occurring and what will help relieve the pain.

What Is Text Neck?

Text neck is a term used to describe when your head is in a forward position for a prolonged period and leads to neck pain. When you are looking down, either at a smartphone, reading, gaming, or working, your head is shifted forward, causing your body to compensate the weight. On average, the human head weighs about 10 pounds. This means that your neck, upper back, and spine are overworking to brace that weight that would otherwise be supported when in a neutral position.

Over time, the more your head is in this forward position, the muscles in your upper back and neck weaken, while your chest muscles tighten. Additionally, this repetitive stress can also lead to more serious injury, or cause conditions like Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS) and headaches.

Preventing Text Neck

Luckily, there are several steps you can take to be proactive if you are suffering from text neck.

Start by helping yourself with proper posture.  When standing, your weight should be evenly distributed between both feet, with your shoulders back and down. While sitting, keep both feet flat on the floor, shoulders back, and ears aligned with your shoulders.

You can also make changes in how you work or perform your activities or hobbies. This includes adjusting your chair or desk height, holding devices eye level rather than looking down at them, or using risers to keep anything you are working on level with your natural sightline. Try avoiding working on your devices on the couch or in bed as it is challenging to have the proper body mechanics to avoid putting stress into your muscles.

Lastly, consider implementing exercises into your daily routine that could help combat text neck and any pains or muscle weakness. For example, rowing exercises are great for building chest and back strength, while thoracic mobility exercises and neck stretches can help relieve any built-up tightness in the neck and back.  Follow DynamicDocs on Instagram for helpful videos.

DISCLAIMER: always consult with your doctor before any exercise program. if you experience any numbness, tingling, or reproduction of your symptoms, please contact your doctor.

A Fast Fix for Text Neck And Back Pain

If you are struggling with neck pain, schedule an appointment with DynamicDocs today. Dr. Victoria will provide exceptional patient care by thoroughly assessing your pain to pinpoint the cause and treat it at the source. She will provide the tools and resources you need to stay pain free and help prevent future injury.